Friday, March 27, 2009

Unique Concrete Rust Removal - Organic Ways Yourself When Cleaning Rust From the Driveway

Organic concrete rust removal could never beat out acid methods... or could it? You would be fairly surprised at the raw materials from the earth, as pure as they are, in fact are very powerful rust cleaners.

In most cases you will notice that rust has been on your driveway and sidewalks for ever. The problem comes up that the cement is in fact... a hard surface and next to plant life. While most rust removers will just tear apart your sidewalk and driveway, you could go a bit softer. How do you softer when with concrete rust removal. Simple, go organic and do less work and not kill any of your plants.

Concrete rust removal usually involves some harsh acids and pretty nasty chemicals. This is not the case anymore, in fact new natural cleaning product manufacturers are developing ways to get rid of rust from the cement by neutralizing it.

They now have specific products that are being used in the skyscrapers in New York city and also the bridges. Once the population heard there was a easier way to remove rust without even having to wipe it or scrub it away, the organic concrete rust removers are now in many commercial businesses.

So how do you not get burned and how do you actually neutralize rust so you do not have to wipe or scrub it?

This is in the chemistry of a product. While older products used acid to neutralize, we now have newer and pure raw materials that work extremely well.

These raw materials are combined and form an organic solution that you can use indoors and outdoors. No worry about burning your hand off. These organic concrete rust removers are really a force to be reckon with.

So what is the secret formula?

Well while most of it is proprietary, there is some evidence that kelp is being used which is a sea weed type plant and also citrus oils from the earth. The earth products some very powerful ingredients that are non-toxic and safe to use. Once the chemist department find that out, they begin placing these amazing ingredients into action.

The challenge is making sure these ingredients are pure and organic. With many organic concrete rust removers, the raw materials are very pure high quality grade. They do not use solvent based material and this is in fact why they are better performing rust removers from lab tests.

If you looking for a safe way to remove rust from concrete or any other surface for that matter, it is recommended to go and start looking into developing or using your own organic rust remover. It is a process to get the right mixture of raw materials, but when found the results are amazing. For instance for Rusterizer which is an organic concrete rust remover. The product will neutralize rust within in 3 seconds or 3 sprays guaranteed which ever comes first. This is one of many rust removers, while organic products are not as commonly available. Be sure to research and try to get your hands on the safe concrete rust removers. These products have pure raw materials formulated within them and are safe to use around children and pets. Also, they are very powerful to use outside.

The problem many rust projects have is that the product is just to dangerous to use. Let us be honest who the heck wants to play with muriatic acid?

Discover how organicconcrete rust removers destroy any solvent based rust removers on the market. Get more advice on how toremove rust from concrete and cement using organic solutions that will damage you or your property.

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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Treating Menopause Naturally

The hormones used in HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) aren't even the right ones. A very common drug, PremPro, is a combination of Premarin (horse estrogen) and Provera (completely artificial progesterone). However, studies done in Britain, and reported in the medical journal, The Lancet, August 9, 2003, showed that women using HRT had a 66% higher risk of developing breast cancer than women who did not use HRT.

A similar study, done earlier in the U.S., was reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association, on July 17, 2002, with the same findings, forcing the study to end earlier than planned.

Why treat one of life's natural processes with artificial substances? The medical community, after realizing the dangers, changed gears just a bit and began treating the uncomfortable symptoms of menopause with a different approach: tranquilizers and mood elevators... Zoloft, Paxil, Prozac... like the whole thing was just "in her head."

However, distraught women still demand relief, and doctors feel pressed to continue using dangerous drugs, as if symptoms are the result of a drug deficiency. We can take vitamins to cure problems that arise from a vitamin deficiency, but no amount of fake estrogen is going to "cure" menopause. In fact, the dangers are real, and the risks have been documented.

A far better approach is the natural one. Normalizing the body leads to a normal (and often faster) progression of this important time in a woman's life, and stands a better chance of resulting in a healthy and active period during the "golden years," where older and middle aged women don't have to feel old, tired or sick. And Kansas Snoring Treatment don't have to risk dying earlier from breast cancer, heart disease or stroke.

A more normal and natural approach includes proper diet, exercise, and the use of certain supplements - including many herbs - which can be helpful in achieving a balanced body. Balance is the key.

Dr. R.J. Peters has an extensive background in health care and, though retired, still tries to spread the word about natural health care. Visit for more.

sleep apnea (Category: Toys & Hobbies )

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Fishing in Thailand an Interview With Julian Owner of a Freshwater Fishing Agency

Q1: How old were you when you first started fishing and who introduced you to it?

I took my first fishing trip when I was around 8yrs old with my older brother. I used a fiberglass rod which I bought from a jumble sale, using worms dug up from the garden, Perch after Perch.

Q2: What was your first big specimen fish and where was it caught?

I caught my first carp when I was around 13yrs old it was a 10lb Common. My first decent Pike came from the same lake 'Horton Kirby' at 20lb on the nose. I was fortunate enough to have grown up within cycling distance to the Darenth Valley; where, at the time some of the UK's finest carp fisheries had opened. I was a member of DDAPS (Dartford and District Angling Preservation Society) and still am today. I was also a member of Leisure Sports and fished Sutton-at-Hone when it was one of the only venues in the country to have a forty pounder. But my best from Sutton at Hone only went to 19lb 8oz. I used to cycle to the lakes everyday on my mums pushbike, with my old rods strapped to the cross bar, quite reminiscent of a scene out of "A Passion for Angling." But I did take a 39lb 8oz Carp from the St Laurence River in Canada a year or two back.

Q3: When fishing just for pleasure, what aspect of angling do you enjoy the most?

Sleeping. No but seriously, one of the reasons I came to Thailand is because I love the unknown factor. In the UK it has for most venues become like fishing in someone's garden pond for their pets. I mean, the fish have even got names. Used Speed Boat challenge for anglers in the UK now seems more and more to get "Matilda" out at a few ounces more. I like to feel that there could be a specimen lurking around my bait that no one has ever caught.

Q4: Why did you choose Thailand to start your business?

There was a combination of reasons really. I'd travelled the world quite extensively, but Thailand has always captivated me and every time I went traveling I always had a stop here. I also enjoyed several holidays here too. I'd heard about Bungsamran, but never found the time for fishing, I guess like so many visitors I was always consumed by too many good things to do, great beaches, site seeing, nightlife, excellent food, as a single man who could ignore the women? Although I'm too busy fishing these days, a 100% reversal of priorities.

Q5: What would you say is the difference between fishing UK waters to fishing those over there, can the same techniques be used?

It is possible to use the same basic techniques as you might at home with some success, but you have to use beefed up tackle for the larger species. The key difference has got to simply be the size of the fish you can catch, as well as their power.

Q6: What kind of tackle and baits are used, and is it better to bring your own gear with you; like a bait boat, -I have heard that the lakes are huge over there?

We use lots of different baits depending on target species. For the Mekong Catfish we used a by product of the rice milling industry called "Lum" or "Ram" (varying local pronunciation) but it is really just rice bran mixed with flavourings and/or coconut milk.

I certainly wouldn't advise anyone to bring their own tackle for fishing to Thailand. If you're a course angler back home all your gear will be too light, if you're a sea fisherman OK, perhaps; the Thai's like to use boat rods and multipliers but personally I find them awkward. In truth boat rods tend to have a lot of action in the tip, and then seize up halfway down the taper, which In our experience results in a lot of straightened and snapped hooks.

Not all the lakes are huge. If you mean the reservoirs then yes of course they are massive, but most of the productive fishing is done in lakes of between 5 and 20 acres. We do have one venue we would love to use a bait boat on, so if anyone is coming out and wants to give it bash drop us a line.

Q8: The fish there are of an immense size ie :- Giant Siamese Carp, Arapaima, Giant Mekong Catfish to name a few, what are they fed, steroids? No Seriously, what do these monsters eat?
That's a poignant question right now. With the advent of a number of western managed fisheries here in Thailand, it's becoming clear why some of the species you mention grow to such immense sizes. They eat just about anything.

We have had Arapaima (a predator) captured on maize. At Gillhams Fishing Resorts they have not only caught Arapaima on maize, but they have also caught Giant Siamese Carp on Dead-baits. These are not a one off catch, because the same is now happening at IT Lake Monsters. Arapaima on corn, carp on dead-bait the fish seem to understand the concept of balanced diet.
Strictly speaking though the same principles hold true here as they do elsewhere, that being that carp are omnivorous with a tendency towards plant based foods, predators are the same the world over they eat fish, but also chicken is widely used out here. Personally I find something a bit odd about fishing with chicken, perhaps its getting a bit close to the mark, I mean if we start feeding all the predators of that size the flesh of land dwelling animals how long will it be before they get a taste for humans? Just kidding.

Q9: I have also heard that the Arapaima can be aggressive towards man is this true. Are there any dangerous fish in the freshwaters out there?

For it's size the Arapaima on the whole is a wonderful predator to handle. It doesn't have rows of needle-like teeth to rip you to shreds with, it will usually behave quite well for a photo. However you have to appreciate there is a big difference between the damage a 200lb fish can do to a human being than what a 20lb fish can, should it decide to make an aggressive attempt for freedom Alaska Marine Lines captured.

The Arapaima has a tendency to use its head as a weapon for self defence. It can charge anything in front of it, and with a few hundred pounds of mass behind it, that charge, can, and has been fatal to some fish farmers in Brazil. It can also thrash wildly from side to side when out of the water so it must be handled with care.

Q10: I did not realize there was such a thing as a freshwater stingray, can you shed some more light on this magnificent creature?

The enigmatic "freshwater stingray." The only thing we really know about these fish at present is where they can be caught. These fish reside in Estuarine systems most of the year. Although the stingray can live in freshwater, with quite a bit of recreational fishing going on here in Thailand for this species at present, we do know that the fishing deteriorates in high water levels and heavy rains. This is because these fish are moving further and further down stream into the mouth of the river, possibly because they like the conditions there. In other words they like some element of salinity in the water. So is this a true freshwater fish? In my view, No. Since it would prefer to be in water with a degree of salinity I mean if you captured a Dover Sole in the Thames Estuary, would that then make it a freshwater fish?

Q11: There seems to be some confusion over the Giant Siamese Carp record, just what is the record and also what would be the average weight one can hope to catch?

The actual IGFA record I believe stands at 52kg, but specimens in the 50kg - 60kg range are caught every year for sure. One of our guests last year took two carp over the record - within the rules- in 24hrs. That's a once in a lifetime and I expect once in the lifetime of a Siam Fishing Tours event.

The biggest carp I am aware of that has ever been caught on rod and line is still Lung Dams fish of some 110kg. There are reports out there of a bigger one; we know that there are at least one or two bigger ones in Bungsamran.

Q12: Is there any sporty fish that breach the water when hooked?

The Barramundi is notorious for it. Great fun on light tackle. Given a chance though even the Arapaima can project a lot of its body out of the water and do a vicious headshake in an effort to shed the hook. Similar in how the Tarpon acts when hooked.

Q13: The Snakehead, is a beautifully marked fish. Some fish though are not so pretty, but which one is your favourite to catch and why?

I can't say I have a "favourite" snakehead. Of course the Giant Snakehead does have beautiful markings and grows the biggest so I'd have to say that this is the most appealing of the species.

Q14: Is there accommodation near the lake where I could stay for a few nights fishing, if so what is the standard?

Some venues have accommodation some do not. Because we provide packaged tours, we use a combination of the venues accommodation where suitable; or luxury condo or hotels in the city. In truth this just makes for a more diverse and interesting experience all round for visiting anglers.

Q15: What are the land critters like: I hear there are King cobras, Scorpions even poisonous spiders?

Yes I heard that too. Funny never seem to see many. The ants are the biggest pain, but some are good to eat. We have some enormous lizards that swim across the lakes. There are snakes around too but the only ones I have ever seen are tiny little green tree snakes. The golden rule: 'Stay out of their way." But we don't get bothered by anything as a rule when fishing.

Q16: I also read in a magazine that it is possible to fly fish in Thailand. What can you expect to catch using this method and is it possible to have lessons?

Fly fishing in Thailand is in its infancy. We have taken customers fly fishing to Boon Mar Ponds for Barramundi, and to Gillhams Fishing Resorts, where quite a few Arapaima have now been caught on the fly. In the north, apparently, there is trout fishing. In the reservoirs, there's Jungle Perch. There is also saltwater fly-fishing available in mud flats in the south, particularly Krabi.

Q17: You mentioned having a guide earlier, what are the benefits from this as I have been fishing for over twenty five years.

When we first started our service we believed it was essential that everyone had a guide, but then we were fishing predominantly on Bungsamran. Now having gained knowledge of all the venues we can say that it's not essential to have a guide, but you will likely benefit significantly in terms of results, if you do. What a lot of anglers over look when freshwater fishing in Thailand is that at any moment you could be into a 100lb+ or even 200lb+ fish. What could be more frustrating than having the opportunity to land the fish of a lifetime only to lose out because you thought you could handle it alone? Put simply it is at best silly to plan to target fish of this calibre alone, and it could even be considered irresponsible and result in unnecessary harm coming to the fish.

Q18: As fishing stocks deplete - Sailfish, Tuna, Barracuda, King Fish, Giant Trevally and Jacks - the salt water game fishing business has definitely taken a knock in recent times are you seeing a rise in public interest for freshwater fishing?

I think it is critical for fish and for local people that Thailand starts to recognize its freshwater fishing resource as potentially one of the most lucrative and environmentally friendly alternative sources of income.

If the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) decided to invest heavily in creating Thailand as a freshwater fishing destination, we could see a dramatic improvement in both the environment, and the economic circumstances of many Thai people involved in the current fish farming industry which has also been in decline for some time. I cannot speak for the Saltwater Recreational Fishing Industry, all I know is that it is highly likely that the freshwater fishing scene would ultimately prove to be far better for local people.

Imagine if for example if it was possible for a struggling fish farmer to get a grant to convert his pond from square breeding pen into an attractive landscaped fishing lake, and that he was given support from TAT for the promotion. If it was started today, 10 years from now Thailand would be on the map as one of the worlds top stops for freshwater fishing.

Q19: What can be done to avoid the same problems, also what is being done for conservation in Thailand's lakes and rivers?

The problems in Saltwater are not as a result of recreational fishing, they are as a result of commercial over fishing. Long lines with hundreds of hooks emptying every ocean on the planet. The freshwater dynamics are completely different, the lakes and rivers and public areas are already seriously depleted but purely as a result of locals trying to survive, not out of some commercial monster coming along and emptying the place.

The King has made it a personal mission of his own to restore rivers like the Mekong to their former glory, but it will be difficult since now many migratory routes have been block by damns. However the moment Thailand starts recognizing that it has potentially a massive tourist attraction in freshwater fishing, then I think we will see all rivers, lakes and reservoirs become vastly improved in terms of the biodiversity under the water is concerned.

Q20: the nightlife in Bangkok is infamous will I have enough time to check it out?
Sure, we can go now if you like.

Jason Butler is a free lance writer. He is currently residing in Thailand and enjoying life. Writing articles on Fishing and Steam engine models is a passion of his. He is also a scuba Diving Instructor with over ten years experience.go to

'boat' (Category: Gift Certificates )

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Are Fad Diets Truly Worth It?

The big name diets are trendy and they aren't going away so they must be working for some people. If you have tried one or more fad diets, such as Nutrisystem, Weight Watchers, South Beach, or any number of the newest Hollywood diets, chances are they didn't work for you because here you are again, looking for Pilates Clinica Cursos solution to your weight problem.

I am confident that some of these diets are successful for some people; otherwise they would be out of business by now. The problem is that each person is made up of his or her own individual set of physical and emotional circumstances, along with a predetermined list of genetic factors handed down from your parents and their parents. So, for any person or company to say "this diet will work for you no matter what" is misleading at best and downright heartbreaking (not to mention budget-busting) at worst.

The scientific Pilates Method Alliance Pose Sheet are these:
-You must burn more calories than you consume per day to see a decrease in weight. This does not mean that you have to starve. It also does not mean that you have to completely eliminate every bit of your favorite foods to lose weight.
-You must work muscle to tone muscle. Expansion and contraction of the muscle fibers is necessary to replace fat with muscle. Again, you don't have to break into a 3-hour long weight training session six days a week to get results. In fact, this is NOT recommended for someone who is not used to lifting anything heavier than Windsor Pilates Fat Burning pound box.

Fad diets seem easier than they should, maybe because they are too easy. But they won't work for everyone. Fortunately, there are alternatives that will work, because they cater to the individual and not the masses.

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